Dumb rules and dumb enforcements, something new LTA?

Source: LTA to review list of offenses in MRT?

After a student was fined $400 for using an electrical socket at a station to charge her mobile phone, then only LTA has decided to review the list of penalties on the public who flout MRT rules! It’s always the case of fire fighting. After something had happened, then only they decided to act. Before that, they were sleeping? Or business as usual until someone got hit unjustly or excessively?

Much discussion on this topic is going on in the cyber world. Click here to read. Most of them feel that it is quite unfair to charge the student in court for such a trivial offense with such a huge disproportionate fine. There was no warning sign put up to warn the public not to use the available power sockets in MRT stations. Those power sockets are not locked. They are easily available with easy access. The student was a first timer. A warning or a token fine should be more than sufficient. Those were some of the comments posted on-line.

read more in Gin Tai’s blog.
